On-Demand Webinar: A New Users Guide to Getting Started with RNAscope™ ISH Technology.
This webinar provides a comprehensive overview of our RNAscope ISH assays to help new RNAscope users set up and get started.
The workflows are discussed for each manual assay, including required materials and reagents, tips for sample preparation and pre-treatment optimization, and guidelines for image acquisition and data analysis. Also discussion of recommendations for troubleshooting and optimization.
Speaker: Eirini Vagena, PhD
Technical Support Scientist
ACD, a Bio-Techne Brand
Register now: https://lifescience.invitro.com.au/brands/acd-bioscience/rnascope-ish-technology/a-new-users-guide-to-getting-started-with-rnascope-ish-technology/