To support Australian and New Zealand research in the fight against cancer, In Vitro Technologies offered 5 Travel Grants to Australian and New Zealand researchers to attend the Eradicate Cancer Conference in Melbourne in March 2018.
We're proud to announce the following winners:
1. Dr Olga Sukocheva
2. Mr Riley John Morrow
3. Dr Tali Lang
4. Dr Debbie Watson
During the application process we asked them how they think In Vitro Technologies accelerates their cancer research. This is what they had to say...
"I work with breast and oesophageal cancer projects. There are planned experiments that require xCELLigence equipment to monitor cell responses to various treatment agents. The xCELLigence would speed up my work and provide me with reliable and multifactorial data. Those data received with xCELLigence I can analyze very quickly and move forward."
Dr Olga Sukocheva
"As an enthusiastic PhD student, I will be spending countless hours at the bench conducting cell culture, immunoassays, imaging, flow cytometry, and other assays involving cytokines and therapeutic inhibition, all areas of cell biology that In Vitro Technologies offer in their vast range of expertise. Receiving a registration ticket to this fantastic conference will further mature myself as a developing PhD student, increasing my exposure to experts in the field of immunotherapy, whilst being able to present my findings and receive valuable feedback, all of which could not be possible without the support of In Vitro Technologies."
Mr Riley John Morrow
"In Vitro Technologies will help identify putative tumour cell biomarkers following new therapeutic treatment using real time gene expression analysis and looking at single cell changes using Xcelligence platforms."
Dr Tali Lang
"In Vitro Technologies has provided us with discounted prices for reagents and allowed us to continue our research on graft-versus-host disease a major complication for patients with blood cancer who have a donor bone marrow transplant."
Dr Debbie Watson