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With its debut over ten years ago, Seahorse XF Analyzers revolutionized the way mitochondrial function and cell metabolism is measured. As these XF24 and XF24-3 instruments approach their Agilent End of Guaranteed Support date (12/31/2018), it is time to start thinking about upgrading to the latest technology for live-cell metabolism measurements.

With an upgrade to the XFe platform, your research could benefit from:

  • Better analytical sensitivity and improved dynamic range
  • More user-friendly software
  • State-of-the-art touchscreen controller compatible with modern IT standards
  • Increased throughput (moving from 24 to 96-well format)

Special Trade in Discounts

In Vitro Technologies has partnered with Agilent to offer generous trade-in discounts to allow you to upgrade to the latest technology.

Please fill in the form below to contact us today.