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Your premier Bioresources partner

In Vitro Technologies provide a complete turn-key solution for your state of the art bioresources facility.
By partnering with world class suppliers we provide consultation and design of efficient caging, handling and washing workflows for refurbishment and redevelopment of animal facilities.We are able to provide a complete solution with Allentown rodent and large animal housing, Steelco washer disinfectors, Matachana sterilizers, NuAire work stations, Borer cleaning solutions and Segetex disposable garments. All of our products comply with current Animal Care and ethics guidelines. 

Sustainable Solutions in Caging, Cleaning & Contamination Control

Learn more about our range by clicking on the buttons below.





Bioresources cover

Vivarium Design Main Panel

Vivarium Design

Drawing upon decades of design, engineering analysis, budget management, installation and service experience, the In Vitro Technologies Major Projects team can provide invaluable insights necessary to make educated facility design decisions.  

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Washing Disinfection Main Panel

Washing & Disinfection

With the most comprehensive range of washing & disinfection solutions, customized product solutions and project management support, In Vitro Technologies is focused on designing the most ergonomic, sustainable and environmentally friendly washing setup for your Bioresources facility.  

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Controlled Environment Systems Main Panel

Controlled Environment Systems

Environmental chamber control can assist in the management of post-surgery recovery, temperature controlled experiments or simulation of day/ night cycles.  

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Rodent Caging Main Panel

Rodent Caging

In Vitro Technologies and Allentown are able to provide the ideal rodent caging for all your vivarium needs.  

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Workstations Main Panel


Combining the expertise of Allentown and NuAire, we provide a selection of HEPA filtered biological safety cabinets and mobile cage changing stations for protection of both personnel and rodents during handling and procedures.

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Sterilisation Main Panel


Sterilisation processes in animal facilities, industry and laboratories involves very defined specifications and requirements. Bringing together expertise in steam sterilisation and state of the art dry heat sterilisation technology.  

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