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Select your Permit from the list below

Click on the relevant permit number to take you to the permit and then click on the commodity to expand the End Use Conditions relevant to each commodity.

> DAFF Permit 0008229516
> DAFF Permit 0008590553 
> DAFF Permit 0008697188
> DAFF Permit 0009743934

Permit Sample Cover

DAFF Permit 0008229516

Valid from 18 December 2023 to 1 June 2025


  1. in vitro laboratory studies.
  2. in vivo in laboratory organisms. Laboratory organisms are guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, rats, rabbits or microorganisms contained under laboratory or animal house conditions.


  1. in vitro laboratory studies.
  2. Microorganisms and derivatives thereof requiring an AA site
  3. The goods and their derivatives must not be removed from these sites, except for disposal or export, without the prior approval of the Director of Biosecurity.
  4. The level of containment must be BC 2 or higher.
  5. Where more than one approved arrangement site is listed, the samples must only be transferred between the listed sites. All records of transfer must be maintained for audit purposes.


  1. The goods must not be exposed to or used in animals other than laboratory animals and must not be used in any plants, humans or the environment. Laboratory organisms are guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, rats, rabbits or microorganisms contained under laboratory or animal house conditions.

  2. The goods must not deliberately be used in circumstances where recombination and reassortment events with any other virus could reasonably be expected to occur, including coinfection of animals or cell lines with related or homologous infectious agents.


  1. Work must be limited to in vitro laboratory studies only. This does not include in vivo use in any animal, laboratory organisms or plants (or veterinary vaccine or veterinary therapeutic manufacture) without prior written approval from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.
  2. Direct or indirect exposure of native or domestic animals or plants to the materials or their derivatives is prohibited.
  3. The goods must not deliberately be used in circumstances where recombination and reassortment events with any other virus could reasonably be expected to occur, including coinfection of animals or cell lines with related or homologous infectious agents.

Post entry

  1. Microorganisms and derivatives thereof requiring an AA site
  2. The goods and their derivatives must not be removed from these sites, except for disposal or export, without the prior approval of the Director of Biosecurity.
  3. The goods and their derivatives must not be removed from these sites, except for disposal or export, without the prior approval of the Director of Biosecurity.
  4. The level of containment must be BC 2 or higher.
  5. Where more than one approved arrangement site is listed, the samples must only be transferred between the listed sites. All records of transfer must be maintained for audit purposes.


The goods must not be exposed to or used in animals, plants, or the environment, and must not be used in or on humans.

Post entry

  1. Microorganisms and derivatives thereof requiring an AA site
  2. The goods and their derivatives must not be removed from these sites, except for disposal or export, without the prior approval of the Director of Biosecurity.
  3. The goods and their derivatives must not be removed from these sites, except for disposal or export, without the prior approval of the Director of Biosecurity.
  4. The level of containment must be BC 1 or higher.
  5. Where more than one approved arrangement site is listed, the samples must only be transferred between the listed sites. All records of transfer must be maintained for audit purposes.


The goods must not be exposed to or used in animals, plants, or the environment, and must not be used in or on humans.

Post entry

  1. Microorganisms and derivatives thereof requiring an AA site
  2. The goods and their derivatives must not be removed from these sites, except for disposal or export, without the prior approval of the Director of Biosecurity.
  3. The goods and their derivatives must not be removed from these sites, except for disposal or export, without the prior approval of the Director of Biosecurity.
  4. The level of containment must be BC 1 or higher.
  5. Where more than one approved arrangement site is listed, the samples must only be transferred between the listed sites. All records of transfer must be maintained for audit purposes.

DAFF Permit 0008590553

Valid from 20 December 2024 to 25 June 2029


The goods must not be exposed to or used in animals other than laboratory animals and must not be used in any plants, humans or the environment. Laboratory organisms are guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, rats, rabbits or microorganisms contained under laboratory or animal house conditions.

Additional End Use Conditions

Dengue virus

  1. Work must be conducted in Physical Containment (PC2) facility, or higher. The facility must use PC2 work practices as recommended under the Australian/New Zealand Standard Safety in laboratories Part 3: Microbiological safety and containment (AS/NZS2243.3:2022).
  2. Class 2 biological safety cabinets are to be used for all manipulations that may cause splashes, droplets or aerosols.
  3. No work with Dengue virus is to be conducted in close proximity to an insectary housing permissive vectors.

Leishmania spp, Influenza B and Mycoplasma genitalium

  1. Work must be conducted in Physical Containment (PC2) facility, or higher. The facility must use PC2 work practices as recommended under the Australian/New Zealand Standard Safety in laboratories Part 3: Microbiological safety and containment (AS/NZS2243.3:2022).
  2. Class 2 biological safety cabinets are to be used for all manipulations that may cause splashes, droplets or aerosols.

Department of Health and Aged Care advice to End Users

Dengue virus

  1. A risk assessment must be conducted and documented to ensure that any specific hazards, relevant to the pathogen and the activity being conducted, are identified and managed.
  2. Following any potential exposure incident, personnel must be provided with prompt first aid, be evaluated by a medical professional and monitored for any symptoms of infection.
  3. If personnel do become infected with Dengue virus, it is recommended that they do not travel to North Queensland or other areas where permissive vectors are present.

Influenza B virus

  1. A risk assessment must be conducted and documented to ensure that any specific hazards, relevant to the pathogen and the activity being conducted, are identified and managed.
  2. Following any potential exposure incident, personnel must be provided with prompt first aid, be evaluated by a medical professional and monitored for any symptoms of infection.
  3. It is recommended that personnel working with the virus be immunised with a seasonal influenza vaccine and be monitored for any influenza-like symptoms.

Leishmania spp and Mycoplasma genitalium

  1. A risk assessment must be conducted and documented to ensure that any specific hazards, relevant to the pathogen and the activity being conducted, are identified and managed.
  2. Following any potential exposure incident, personnel must be provided with prompt first aid, be evaluated by a medical professional and monitored for any symptoms of infection.


The goods must not be exposed to or used in animals, plants, microorganisms, cell cultures or the environment, and must not be used in or on humans.

Additional End Use Conditions

Zika virus

  1. Work must be conducted in Physical Containment (PC2) facility, or higher. The facility must use PC2 work practices as recommended under the Australian/New Zealand Standard Safety in laboratories Part 3: Microbiological safety and containment (AS/NZS2243.3:2022).
  2. Class 2 biological safety cabinets are to be used for all manipulations that may cause splashes, droplets or aerosols.It is recommended that large-scale culturing of Zika virus (in volumes over 1 litre) is conducted in a PC3 facility using PC3 work practices.
  3. No work with Zika virus is to be conducted in close proximity to an insectary housing permissive vectors. The definition of ‘close proximity' should be risk-based. It should be considered in terms of the ‘likelihood’ of any permissive vectors being present in nearby insectaries and more broadly in the local vicinity, as part of an ongoing assessment of this risk, where the likelihood may increase from time-to-time. The ongoing risk assessment must also take into consideration where the laboratory animals are housed, for example, under laboratory or animal house conditions.
  4. The involvement of pregnant workers in studies with Zika virus must be avoided. All women of child bearing age should be made aware of the risks posed and understand the need to be mindful of potential exposure in case they become pregnant.
  5. Zika virus can be transmitted sexually, therefore personnel with partners who are pregnant or are considering pregnancy should be aware of the risk associated with sexual transmission of Zika virus.

Department of Health and Aged Care advice to End Users

Zika Virus

  1. A risk assessment must be conducted and documented to ensure that any specific hazards, relevant to the pathogen and the activity being conducted, are identified and managed.
  2. Following any potential exposure incident, personnel must be provided with prompt first aid, be evaluated by a medical professional and monitored for any symptoms of infection.
  3. If personnel do become infected with Zika virus, it is recommended that they do not travel to North Queensland or other areas where permissive vectors are present.


The goods must not be exposed to or used in animals other than laboratory animals and must not be used in any plants, humans or the environment. Laboratory organisms are guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, rats, rabbits or microorganisms contained under laboratory or animal house conditions.

Additional End Use Conditions

  1. Work must be conducted in Physical Containment (PC2) facility, or higher. The facility must use PC2 work practices as recommended under the Australian/New Zealand Standard Safety in laboratories Part 3: Microbiological safety and containment (AS/NZS2243.3:2022).
  2. Class 2 biological safety cabinets are to be used for all manipulations that may cause splashes, droplets or aerosols. No work with Dengue virus is to be conducted in close proximity to an insectary housing permissive vectors.

Department of Health and Aged Care advice to End Users

  1. A risk assessment must be conducted and documented to ensure that any specific hazards, relevant to the pathogen and the activity being conducted, are identified and managed.
  2. Following any potential exposure incident, personnel must be provided with prompt first aid, be evaluated by a medical professional and monitored for any symptoms of infection.
  3. It is recommended that personnel working with the virus be immunised with a seasonal influenza vaccine and be monitored for any influenza-like symptoms.


  1. The goods must not be exposed to or used in animals, plants, microorganisms, cell cultures or the environment, and must not be used in or on humans.
  2. The goods must not be used for culture or isolation of microorganisms and infectious agents.
  3. Microorganisms or infectious agents must not be cultured or isolated from the materials imported under this permit.
  4. Any microorganisms or infectious agents (including derivatives) within the goods must not be used for the synthesis of replication-competent microorganisms or infectious agents.

Additional End Use Conditions

Work must be conducted in Physical Containment (PC2) facility, or higher. The facility must use PC2 work practices as recommended under the Australian/New Zealand Standard Safety in laboratories Part 3: Microbiological safety and containment (AS/NZS2243.3:2022).

Department of Health and Aged Care advice to End Users

  1. A risk assessment must be conducted and documented to ensure that any specific hazards, relevant to the pathogen and the activity being conducted, are identified and managed.
  2. Following any potential exposure incident, personnel must be provided with prompt first aid, be evaluated by a medical professional and monitored for any symptoms of infection.



  1. The goods must not be exposed to or used in animals, plants, or the environment, and must not be used in or on humans.
  2. Microorganisms and derivatives thereof requiring an AA site
  3. The goods and their derivatives must not be removed from these sites, except for disposal or export, without the prior approval of the Director of Biosecurity.
  4. The level of containment must be BC 2 or higher.
  5. Where more than one approved arrangement site is listed, the samples must only be transferred between the listed sites. All records of transfer must be maintained for audit purposes.


  1. The goods must not be exposed to or used in animals other than laboratory animals and must not be used in any plants, humans or the environment. Laboratory organisms are guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, rats, rabbits or microorganisms contained under laboratory or animal house conditions.
  2. Microorganisms or infectious agents must not be intentionally cultured or isolated from the materials imported under this permit.
  3. Any microorganisms or infectious agents (including derivatives) within the goods must not be used for the synthesis of replication-competent microorganisms or infectious agents.


  1. The goods must not be exposed to or used in animals other than laboratory animals and must not be used in any plants, humans or the environment. Laboratory organisms are guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, rats, rabbits or microorganisms contained under laboratory or animal house conditions.
  2. Microorganisms or infectious agents must not be intentionally cultured or isolated from the materials imported under this permit.

Synthesis* of replication competent microorganisms, infectious agents or homologues from the goods is restricted to plasmids that are non-conjugative and non-integrative, and not made for the purpose of creating/transcribing or expressing a separate replication competent infectious agent.

* Synthesis of replication-competent microorganisms, infectious agents or homologues refers to the process of modifying or constructing microorganisms and infectious agents which can replicate within eukaryotic or prokaryotic cells.


  1. The goods must not be exposed to or used in animals other than laboratory animals and must not be used in any plants, humans or the environment. Laboratory organisms are guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, rats, rabbits or microorganisms contained under laboratory or animal house conditions.
  2. The goods must not deliberately be used in circumstances where recombination and reassortment events with any other virus could reasonably be expected to occur, including coinfection of animals or cell lines with related or homologous infectious agents.
  3. Microorganisms or infectious agents must not be intentionally cultured or isolated from the materials imported under this permit.

Synthesis* of replication competent microorganisms, infectious agents or homologues from the goods is restricted to plasmids that are non-conjugative and non-integrative, and not made for the purpose of creating/transcribing or expressing a separate replication competent infectious agent.

* Synthesis of replication-competent microorganisms, infectious agents or homologues refers to the process of modifying or constructing microorganisms and infectious agents which can replicate within eukaryotic or prokaryotic cells.