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Culture Guides

ATCC® Organoid Culture Guide
organoid guide image

Organoids are primary patient-derived micro tissues grown within a three dimensional extracellular matrix that better represents in vivo physiology and genetic diversity than existing two-dimensional cell lines. Organoids rely on the self-renewal and differentiation of tissue-resident stem cells that expand in culture and self-organize into complex three-dimensional structures. Depending on the tissue, organoids typically lack stromal, vascular, neural, and immune cells but otherwise can contain cells from all the respective tissue-specific cell lineages found in vivo. Established organoids can be initiated from cryopreserved material, cultured using largely traditional cell culture techniques and equipment, and then expanded and cryopreserved for future use. Organoid models have been developed from a variety of diseased and normal tissues including small intestine, colon, mammary, esophagus, lung, prostate, and pancreas.

Download the Organoid Culture Guide here

ATCC® Primary Cell Solutions®

ATCC Primary Cells Info BrochureEarly Passage, Performance Tested, Quality Assured

Primary Cells are isolated directly from tissue and thus provide a physiologically-relevant accompaniment to continuous cell lines. Unlike continuous cell lines, primary cells are only maintained for a limited time, so the potential for genetic and phenotypic drift is reduced while their resemblance to the in vivo state is preserved.

  • Cryopreserved at early passages which ensures higher viability and optimal plating efficiency
  • All components (cells, media, kit supplements, and reagents) work synergistically and tested for optimal reliability
  • Quality controlled to ensure safety, purity, and functionality

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Cell Accessories

Organoid Growth Kits

Organoids are valuable tools to study cancer, identify and target novel therapies, and facilitate translational cancer research. These 3-D models are becoming more relevant because they are predictive of the in vivo tumor microenvironment. In efforts to simplify Organoid culture, ATCC has developed Organoid Growth Kits which are comprised of single-use supplements created to streamline media preparation. These kits contain the most costly and cumbersome supplements and reagents, reducing the time and effort required to prepare media and ensuring the successful growth of your organoids.

Example organoid

Figure 1: Organoid growth medium made easy. To use an organoid growth kit, simply add the appropriate volume of basal medium to the vials included in the kit, and vortex to mix well. Pipette the reconstituted kit components into the basal medium and add the appropriate volume of conditioned medium. Pass this mixture through a bottle-top filter unit, and you're ready to feed your organoids!

Want to learn more? Click here!

hTERT-immortalised Primary Cells

Combine the best of both worlds

ATCC human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT)-immortalized primary cells combine the in vivo nature of primary cells with the growth potential of a continuous cell line.

ATCC Primary hTert Cell Diagram

The targets cells are transfected with the catalytic subunit of telomerase enzyme (hTERT). This allows cells to escape senescence and have 5-fold increase in life-span while retaining the physiological characteristics.

ATCC Primary hTert Cell Icons




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ATCC Primary Cell Models

Grow your organoids with Celvivo

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